“A network of Surveillance Cameras, sponsored by citizens, to secure you, and your community”
You can make a difference in securing your community
Our main thrust is to curb the mindless attack by criminals on our community, by increasing the detection rate for crimes that occur.
As a CSN Member, you contribute to a CCTV Camera installed on your community that records remotely on the cloud, and on the cameras itself. The remote recording is available to Law Enforcement, and can be used for Crime Detection.
Our Cameras can also be viewed live in the event an actual crime is taking place. Your cameras help reduce crime, and you do not need to get involved.
For $66 a month, you can become a member. That’s just $2.30 a day to help protect yourself, and your family / staff.
Off-Site Recording
Video footage recorded Off-Site. If the Bandit steals your Recorder, you still have footage.
Instant Access by Investigators
Police or Other Investigators can see the footage without you getting involved.
Share Full or Part of Video
You choose what investigators get to see. You can also keep it private.
Quick Installation
Get Fast installation, as well as Free Replacement when needed.
App Support
View your camera on your phone or computer.
Bronze Members
As a Bronze Member, you pay $66 monthly. For every 3 Bronze members that sign up, we install 1 Surveillance Camera.
Silver Members
As a Silver Member, you pay $100 monthly. For every 2 Silver members that sign up, we install 1 Surveillance Camera. Silver members also get additional benefits as described below.
Gold Members
As a Gold Member, you pay $199 monthly. Each gold member gets 1 Surveillance Camera, as well as all the benefits shown below.
Choose your plan